gbpartnerships consult have been working with Community Health Partnerships’ (CHP) team to deliver projects that will maximise the utilisation of key NHS LIFT buildings across the country and in doing so, ensure the buildings remain strategic assets over the long term. Improving utilisation will not only save money that can be redirected back to NHS staff, but it will also open up opportunities for greater collaboration and service integration. The knock-on wins are better experience for patients and reduced demand for costly new builds.
This important work is being delivered through the LIFT Companies who gbpartnerships deliver property management and partnering services on behalf of across the country. Progress across various localities is picking up pace with projects that will drive significant changes in the way these key NHS Primary Healthcare & Community buildings are used, now coming to fruition. For example, in Plymouth, where CHP commissioned LIFTCo ReSound Health to undertake a capacity and utilisation study at Mount Gould Local Care Centre. The subsequent analysis and option appraisal provided the information needed to make a decision that will result in space within Mount Gould Local Care Centre being used to accommodate the Plym Neuro Rehabilitation Service, a specialist in-patient unit for brain and spinal cord injury patients.
Read the full case study here:
Simon Waters, CHP’s Regional Director for South said:
“We are delighted to commission ReSound Health to undertake this piece of work on behalf of CHP. By carrying out this study, we have been able to identify existing space that can be better utilised to further improve primary care and bring together services under one roof, supporting the deliverables set out in the NHS Priorities Guidance. This is also a great example demonstrating flexibility of the LIFT model in an ever-changing NHS landscape”
gbpartnerships consult Managing Director, Sam McCumiskey commented:
“There is a considerable opportunity to make available the underused and unused space across the estate to support the delivery of the NHS Long Term Plan, which aims to shift of services from the acute sector into primary care and the community. The key to delivering complex optimisation projects is system collaboration, relationships, strong leadership, and determination to deliver. Without strategic buy in, it is very difficult to resolve multi-faceted issues.”
If you’d like one of the team to contact you about how we can help you maximise the utilisation of your estate, email your details to: and we will get in touch.
