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Jane Batchelor

Wood Green Community Diagnostic Centre opens its new Lower Ground Floor

Updated: Jan 9, 2024

We are pleased to announce that the building works to the lower ground floor of Wood Green Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) are now complete. The CDC first opened its doors in August 2022, bringing diagnostic testing to the high street, making it quicker and easier for people across Haringey and north central London to access diagnostic testing. It is one of 40 CDCs across England, and the first to be placed within a shopping centre, a central Haringey location. The CDC supports the regeneration of the high street as well as addressing the national shortage of diagnostic care. An incredible 55,000 local people have been tested in it since its opening. In January 2023, work began to expand the CDC from one floor to two, creating space for MRI and CT testing in addition to the phlebotomy, x-ray, ultrasound, and ophthalmology services already being delivered. As of Friday 24th November, building works happening on the Lower Ground Floor are now complete. It will begin to take referrals from GPs and other services in the new year.

CT Scanner

Inside the new lower ground floor.

Jonathan Gardner, Chief Strategy Officer, of Whittington Health NHS Foundation Trust said:

“The Wood Green Community Diagnostic Centre brings health care to our high streets delivering innovative and compassionate care to communities in the heart of Haringey. The CDC provides an accessible, quick, patient-centric route to diagnostic testing, all of which are part of our mission to help local people live longer healthier lives. It has been a real project of collaboration across north central London, Capital and Regional and The Mall, our contractors, and suppliers, as well as the committed project team and the local community groups and members who gave their time and shared their views. Thank you to everyone who’s involvement has allowed us to arrive at this point.”

Jonathan Wilson, Managing Consultant at gbpartnerships consult said:

“We feel immensely privileged to have been technical advisors to Whittington Health and the ICB for this important project. Since we developed the concept design in 2021, many people have contributed to its development and delivery. Without them we would not have been able to overcome the considerable technical challenges. The outcome is an amazing feat of collaboration, providing a valuable new resource to the local community.”

Read the full case study here:


GPs can already refer their patients to the CDC for phlebotomy, X-ray, and ultrasound appointments. The centre and these services are run by Whittington Health NHS Trust.

Phlebotomy should be booked by patients through SwiftQueue following GP referral. Patients can walk-in with their X-ray referrals, and ultrasound referrals should be emailed to

Ophthalmology is available through secondary care referrals only, this service is run by The Royal Free NHS Foundation Trust. Detailed information on the referral process is available at Information on how to refer people for MRI and CT scans will be cascaded to the relevant GPs and other services shortly.

If you would like to meet the team behind the CDC or would like a tour, email Sacha at


To find out more about gbpartnerships work to support the delivery of CDCs, click here:

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