At gbp, we often say that we're committed to delivering social value and supporting community well-being in the areas where we live and work. But, these aren’t just words, it's a core part of our values and who we are.
So, as the gbp consult team are currently supporting Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust on an exciting project in Redhill, it was a given that the team would look to volunteer some of our time in that area.

And yesterday, Tamsyn Flynn and Victoria Smart walked the talk and spent a day volunteering with Renewed Hope, an incredible local charity that provides practical solutions and emotional support to the homeless, vulnerable, and isolated in East Surrey.
Tamsyn’s and Victoria’s experience was a powerful reminder of the everyday things many of us take for granted: a hot shower, a meal, clean clothes, and someone to listen.
The team at Renewed Hope works tirelessly to offer these essentials to those in need. Their dedication is inspiring, and it shows the impact a little help can have. If you’re able to, please consider supporting them. Just a couple of pounds can truly make a difference in someone’s life. Donate here: Renewed Hope Trust - Donate Now: