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The end of out-dated mental healthcare wards

Jane Batchelor

Sam McCumiskey, Managing Director gbp consult
Sam McCumiskey, Managing Director gbp consult

Sam McCumiskey, Managing Director gbp consult, shares how the gbp group team are supporting improvements in mental healthcare accommodation and patient care.


Over the past 20 years gbpartnerships has built a strong track record within the mental healthcare estates arena. With two award winning developments successfully completed for Mersey Care NHS Trust and another in construction, the team are proud to be paving the way for the end of out-dated dormitory wards in Liverpool.

Mossley Hill Mental Health Facility (pictured above left) is the third mental health facility gbp has been commissioned to deliver on behalf of Mersey Care NHS Trust.
LtoR: Mossley Hill, Clock View, Hartley Hospital

When it opens in 2025, the 80 bed Mossley Hill Mental Health Facility will eradicate traditional shared dormitory style mental healthcare wards. The new facility will provide a modern, therapeutic environment for patients to rest and recover from their crisis episode. With single bedrooms and en suite bathrooms that provide privacy and dignity, and facilities that promote recovery such as family visiting and multi faith spaces. The state-of-the-art setting extends to the grounds with gardens, trees and facilities such as car charging points. Read the full case study here.

Mersey Care’s Chief Executive, Prof Joe Rafferty CBE, said:

“This project allows us to give the people of Liverpool what they need – the very best care in a modern, therapeutic environment with single en suite facilities and easy access to gardens and open space.”

Mental health services also hold significant importance within gbp’s Scottish portfolio, with all eight healthcare centres hosting mental health clinics and two providing inpatient mental health facilities.

 Stobhill Acute Mental Health Wards
Stobhill Acute Mental Health Wards

Francesca Kavanagh, gbp’s Head of Management Services for the hub West Scotland Project Co’s, has been seeking opportunities to forge partnerships with charities in this area and is in the early stages of discussions to collaborate with SAMH (Scottish Action for Mental Health) on pro bono support and volunteering initiatives.

We envision our Scottish team, led by Francesca and supported by Heather and Wendy, along with our gbp colleagues nationwide, joining together in making a meaningful impact across Scotland. As part of this commitment, we are pleased to announce that the gbp foundation has made a £1,000 donation to Scottish Action for Mental Health (SAMH). Find out more about SAMH’s work here:

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