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The development of the new Mossley Hill Mental Health Facility: Summer 2024 Update

gbp group

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust is forging ahead with plans to create a modern, state of the art, mental health facility on land at Mossley Hill, Liverpool, which the Trust owns.

gbpartnerships, working on behalf of LIFTCo, Liverpool Sefton Health Partnership (LSHP), is overseeing the construction of the new mental health facility which will sit on the Mossley Hill Hospital site and is part of Mersey Care’s ambition to replace out-dated dormitory-style accommodation. The new state of the art, 80-bed adult mental health facility, will carry on a tradition of the site serving the people of Liverpool. This short newsletter (attached below) brings together a summary of progress with the development of this new mental health facility, including the social value and community impact delivered to date.

Senior Mersey Care officials gathered with representatives from Liverpool & Sefton Health Partnership, GRAHAM and gbpartnerships (pictured right) gather for the traditional builders' ceremony
Senior Mersey Care officials gathered with representatives from Liverpool & Sefton Health Partnership, GRAHAM and gbpartnerships (pictured right) gather for the traditional builders' ceremony



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