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Jane Batchelor

Proven Business Case expertise to help unlock NHS estate projects.

A business case will often be required for a significant change to the NHS estate, be it clinical or other space, such as a new build, refurbishment, extension, or relocation of services. In this new guide - developed with the support of the gbpartnerships consult team - NHS Property Services have outlined the key steps and considerations behind building a successful business case, from setting the strategy, to determining the affordability, to exploring impact on management.

Download Your Guide to Building a Business Case here:

In the last 3 years, the gbpartnerships consult team has successfully delivered 14 strategic, outline and full business cases. This experience is underpinned by the Better Business Cases™ accreditation, a detailed knowledge of complex approval processes and relationships with approvers and approval bodies, to help throughout the process, providing credibility to the overall business case submission.

Find out more about our experience here: If you’d like to arrange an initial conversation about how we can help you, email the team at:

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