Arden Estate Partnerships was established in 2004 to address inequalities in health and social care estate throughout Coventry and adjacent areas. Since then, the long-term public private partnership LIFT company, has invested over £34M in five mixed use health and wellbeing centres across the city: Keresley Green Medical Centre and Longford Health Centre opened in 2006, City of Coventry Health Centre opened in 2011, Clay Lane Health Centre opened in 2013 and most recently, Forrest Medical Centre in 2015.
These centres provide quality, modern clinical space from which the NHS and other providers deliver a wide range of services to local communities, including more recently, COVID-19 vaccinations, in the case of Keresley Green Medical Centre.
Along with developing the buildings, the gbpartnerships manage team – working through Arden Estate Partnerships with FM Service Provider partners Bellrock Group and Integral UK - ensures that all the component parts within the buildings are sound and operationally safe through close attention to ongoing management and maintenance works.
During the last 12months, over £450,000 has been invested in building upgrade and maintenance works across the five sites, the range of works include:
· Replacing Velux window actuators
· Replacing Thermostatic Mixing Valve (TMV) and oventrop valvues
· Replacing batteries to intruder alarm
· Decoration
· Installation of a second pump to improve water temperatures
· Automatic door replacement parts
· Emergency light replacements
· AHU and BMS service replacement parts
· Replacement floors
· New toilet taps .
Vicki Ridgway, gbpartnerships manage, Business Development and Estate Management lead commented:
“The ongoing investment in building maintenance is critical in ensuring that these facilities remain in a high-quality condition, for the benefit of both the NHS staff that work out of them and the members of the public who use the services.”