Last night the team involved with the Wood Green Community Diagnostics Centre attended the HSJ Partnership Awards evening and came away with the ‘Best Consultancy Partnership with the NHS’ award.
The achievement of this award is well deserved recognition of the hard work and commitment of the partnership between Capital & Regional, The Mall Wood Green, Whittington Health, North Central London ICS and gbpartnerships consult, in delivering this new innovative facility for healthcare.

The new CDC opened in Wood Green’s ‘The Mall’ shopping centre in summer 2022. Phase 1 offers x-ray, ultrasound, ophthalmology and phlebotomy to local people in the heart of Haringey. Phase 2 adds MRI and CT scanning, and is planned to open in the latter part of 2023.
The project presented some big technical challenges: HTM compliant ventilation, low energy heating and cooling, getting the MRI machine into the building and replacing the floor slab beneath it as it is very heavy! The gbp consult technical advisory team worked closely with Whittington Health and the Capital & Regional design team to develop innovative solutions to overcome these challenges.
Providing additional diagnostic services in the community will speed up diagnosis and, if treatment is required, allow it to begin more quickly. Overall, this will save money for the system. Patients can be referred by their GP or from any local NHS provider.
Read the full case study here: