The gbpartnerships consultancy team will provide business case support, the project is part of the New Hospitals Programme, one of the governments HIP2 projects.
"We are really pleased to continue our successful relationship with NHS Property Services and to start working with the County Durham team to support the Shotley Bridge Community Hospital redevelopment project."
Sam McCumiskey, gbpartnerships Consultancy Director
The existing Shotley Bridge Community Hospital site is freehold owned by NHS Property Services. It is approximately 11,000 m2 and over 50 years old. The hospital infrastructure requires increasingly high levels of reactive and backlog maintenance expenditure. The site also suffers from poor utilisation and is no longer considered fit for purpose in the context of current models of care.
NHS County Durham CCG has initiated a project, with support from NHS PS, to re-provide the community hospital via a new build or substantial re-modelling and reconfiguration of the site. The development of a robust Business Case will inform decisions and secure funding.
Expert Better Business Cases™ Practitioners
Our experience in delivering successful business cases is underpinned by the Better Business Cases™ (BBC) accreditation which is a systematic and objective approach to all stages of the business case development process. 11 members of the gbpartnerships consult team hold either the Foundation or Practitioner level of the BBC accreditation.
For more information or a discussion about how the team can support you with Business Case development, email: