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Embedding a systematic approach to estates planning across North Central London CCG and ICS

Jane Batchelor

Prior to our Infrastructure Planning Programme in NCL, infrastructure data was held locally by directorate leads, lacking depth, detail and without strategic oversight.

gbpartnerships consult -commissioned through the Camden & Islington Estates Partnership (CIEP) and North London Estate Partnerships (NLEP) Strategic Partnering Agreement with North Central London (NCL) ICS - have embedded a systematic approach to estates planning, gathered and analysed estates data and engaged widely to inform the project pipeline.

The team's work within NCL has:

✓ Created bespoke plans to reflective individual Borough and PCN needs and requirements.

✓ Been a catalyst for developing clinical strategies.

✓ Informed and reaffirm the priority investment pipeline.

✓ Provided PCN’s/Localities with data to support their development ambitions.

“I have been amazed at the level of interaction. It has been a really useful process, providing a catalyst for a PCN/estates conversation. It has also been really timely, as we plan what the future needs to look like.”

Dorothy Blundell, CEO of the Camden Health Partners

To find out more about this work with NCL, read our case study:

To learn more about how the team can support you, visit:

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