It’s National Apprenticeship Week this week, a week designed to encourage everyone to consider how apprenticeships can help individuals to build the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career. gbpartnerships group have been running a rolling apprenticeship programme for nearly 4 years, with the aim of retaining qualified apprentices into the company. Here we share thoughts from our current apprentices, Tara Dowling and Haleemah Hanefa about their experiences of undertaking an apprenticeship.
Tara joined gbpartnerships in September 2021 and is undertaking a Digital Marketing Apprenticeship. She supports the marketing function across the gbp group of companies, managing and updating 15 websites is just a small part of what she does on a daily basis.
Tara, what attracted you to doing an apprenticeship?
The reason I chose to do an apprenticeship was because it allowed me to get a more hands-on experience in my chosen career path and is allowing me to acquire valuable skills for my chosen sector. I also further believe that learning in a working environment was a lot more beneficial for me rather than sitting in a lecture hall for over an hour as the physical experience is helping me to develop the practical skills and understanding I need in order to excel in my role and gain desirable skills for future employees. Furthermore, I was always interested in the media industry and the ways in which the media work, growing up, and in the past few years I came to realise how heavily reliant many businesses are on the rapid development of the technological world and essentially how effective digital marketing is.
From studying Media at GCSE, I decided I wanted a career within the media industry, and since starting A-Levels, the marketing aspect of my business course allowed me to further develop my knowledge of different markets and how I would be able to appeal to the mass audience. The two of these subjects combined allowed me to discover the digital marketing industry and influenced me to apply for an apprenticeship in order to potentially thrive in an industry I have so much passion for.
What advice would you give to others considering an apprenticeship?
Do you have any plans for further study / development when you have completed your apprenticeship?
Any longer term plans you want to share?
What would be your superpower?
Haleemah also joined gbp in September 2021. She is working as part of the gbp group services team as trainee Business Administrator and is currently undertaking a Business Administration Apprenticeship and once completed, she will receive a BTEC Level 3 Diploma.
Haleemah, what attracted you to doing an apprenticeship?
What attracted me to an apprenticeship was that it gave me a chance to develop skills and experience in a workplace whilst working towards a qualification. Even though this seemed like it would be difficult at first, it has helped me handle many responsibilities at once and improved my organisational skills.
What advice would you give to others considering an apprenticeship?
Do you have any plans for further study / development when you have completed your apprenticeship?
What would be your superpower?